Thursday, May 15, 2014


Sleeping arrangements were strange that night. There was only one bed and Megan was sleeping in it. The Liar was on watch somewhere upstairs at a window, Portnoy had managed to snag the couch and everyone else slept uncomfortably on the floor of the living room. It wasn't a problem though. Dr. Malice hardly cared and Harold and Muffin were used to sleeping in much less comfort if they ever got to sleep.

A sound awoke Muffin and he sat up. There was a strange light coming from the kitchen. He looked around at the others and counted they were all lying down. Perhaps it was Megan. He warily entered the kitchen and saw the fridge door was open but no one was there. He rolled his eyes annoyed at whoever had left it open before realizing the light coming from the fridge was a deep red and thus not at all normal. He ran through a quick checklist of the fears trying to think of anyone that might use his fridge, but couldn't really think of one. He approached the fridge and peeked inside. Before him was a sprawling city. His eyes widened and he swore. "You have got to be fucking kidding me... In my fridge? The Empty City in my fridge? Are you serious?" he asked in irritation and the answer came.

"Dead serious," a voice said as a figure began to appear in the doorway. It was an androgynous just barely human looking figure. It had no eyes or features. It was a human if you had just the basic outline of a human.

Muffin looked at it for a few seconds then began to close the fridge door and the voice spoke quickly. "I can help you beat the fears," it said.

"You are a fear. Go away."

"You don't understand. You don't know what I do. I exist connected to every universe even those I'm not actually a part of I am aware of even if I disconnect myself as I did with this one during The Amalgam attack I still know what goes on and I want to inform you of some very important things you need to know."

"Whatever keep talking but it better be good..."

"Or else what?"

"If you're going to be sassy I'll just close the door."

"Fine. Look, The Amalgam attacked your universe and you guys fought it off and stopped your own plan from making things worse but because of that plan you're now a threat to The Fears and they want to eliminate you before you either try again or tell others how to do it-"

"I already know all this-"

"-Look shut up and be patient. God do you have any idea how infuriating you are-"

"-No how infuriating am I?"

"Enough to infuriate a god like being who is literally just a sentient landscape. Now shut up and let me help you!"

"Alright fine..."

"Right... So you know all that what you don't know is that you only succeeded at both those things in this universe. In the first and second universe you didn't. In the first Megan was crazy and you didn't realize she was one of the ones needed to fight the amalgam and by the time you realized it it was too late."

"Wait Megan was crazy?"

"Yes in that universe The Shadow of Anarchy was not removed from her till much later and it permanently messed with her head. In this universe you sided with the Nightlanders and got it out almost immediately. In the other universe it took decades to find her again and her mind was irretrievably damaged."

"Wow other universe me is a dumbass"



"In that universe however as the Amalgam were destroying everything a new universe was created somehow. I am unsure how and in that universe your history with megan was the same as it is here. She was her normal quiet but confident self and helped you defeat the amalgam but you didn't manage to stop your plan and The Fears were all killed."

"It worked?"

"Yes but not how you imagined it..."

"Oh? What happened?"

"This is the point of my visit. This is where I show instead of tell. Let me bring you to that other universe so you can tell yourself exactly what happened."

"Why should I trust you?"

"It's because of me that The Amalgam came here and it's because of me that all of this happened. I can only make it right by helping you. You fixed my mistake and it's only right I repay you by saving you from the consequences."

"That's an honorable sentiment from a murderous eldritch location."

"Well I was human once."

"Wait what?"

"Come with me and that too will become clear."

Muffin hesitated, but eventually he stepped through into the fridge and The Door shut quietly behind him

Elsewhere Mistress stood in her room placing batteries into the scythe and sighing as they failed to work. Too long had it been powered by Ashen's hands. The mechanism was fried. It was just as well. It's unique nest killing property would no longer be effective against her current prey and the normal scythe would work just fine on any other foes. Her memories had returned. Not the moment she had grasped the scythe but in a short period of time afterward. She was too take orders from the man who killed her. There was no way. She would kill him and then she would kill the doll and maybe then she'd do what the fears asked and kill the rest. First though she would get her vengeance. She froze a feeling passing through her. She turned and he was there. The Slender Man stood watching her. Her resolve momentarily broke. "I... I... I won't work with him... He killed me... I can't..." Something passed over her. "I won't. He killed me and why should I listen to you. You let me die! You let me go to that terrible place to be used by Him for all eternity..." Something seemed to break in her and she was crying black oily tears beneath her mask. "When I betrayed Him for you you promised me you would never let him get me. That I would never be sent to him. That I would never end up like my brothers but you lied! I ended up there anyways and you did nothing to stop it! I don't work for you anymore and I won't work for the man who murdered me. I'll kill him I'll kill all of them but not for you! Not for them. I'll kill them for myself and then I'll leave. I won't work for any of you. I... I won't fight against you," her voice grew timid again, "It would be suicide to fight you," Her stance again grew more confident though as she finished her speech, "I won't fight you but I won't be controlled anymore!" She finished her speech and stood facing him her eyes clouded with tears and her body trembling. He merely watched her for a few moments and then disappeared. She fell to her knees and gripped the scythe tightly to herself taking off the mask to wipe away her tears.

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